Neverwinter Nights 2 Save Game Editor


Thanks to Ecstatic of DragonCoast Community for writing the original character modification guide.

Neverwinter Nights Save Game Location Neverwinter Nights 2 Edit Character. Hint: The Highest Quality Textures If you are looking for the highest quality images for manipulation or model work, you'll want to look through the content in the 'Texture Packs' section. Cheatmode: - Submitted by: By: BigDawwg Note: This procedure involves editing the nwn.ini file located in 'My Documents Neverwinter Nights 2' folder. Use a text editor to open nwn.ini and add the following 2 lines: Game Options Debug Mode=1 Save the file and run NWN2. Your portrait, combat bar, inventory, and other UI elements adjust in size based on your chosen resolution including 1080p and 4k. Full-screen post-processing effects make for crisper, cleaner visuals. Enable contrast, vibrance, and depth of field. Works with save games, modules, and mods from the original Neverwinter Nights. Leto allows you to edit a character and its inventory from within a NWN save game. The following step-by-step describes the process. 1) First, make a backup of the save game you're going to edit. 2) Start Leto 1.69. Select Menu - File - Open, and in the 'files of type' drop-down box, select 'from list in file'. Browse to your saves directory.


All players in your game must have your head or hair pack in order to see your character's new head/hair; otherwise, you'll be walking around with a fresh shave or no head on your shoulders.

Neverwinter Nights 2 Save Game Editor Online

This was written by someone who games primarily and edits save games only when absolutely necessary. That being said, what help I can offer is extremely limited.


  • (Optional) Head/Hair pack compatible with your character's race and sex
  • Neverwinter Nights 2 save game
  • Windows
  • TLKEdit, LETO, or GFF Editor

Gathering Data on New Head or Hair

  1. In Neverwinter Nights 2, create a dummy character of the same race and sex as your character with the new hair you desire for your character.
  2. Once the character is created, ensure you create a save game with a name you can remember.
  3. Download and install TLKEdit, LETO, or GFF Editor if you haven't already.
  4. Open TLKEdit/LETO/GFF Editor. Navigate to Neverwinter Nights 2 save game directory at %UserProfile%My DocumentsNeverwinter Nights 2saves (Yes, you can copy and paste this into your Windows Explorer address bar.
  5. Open the folder matching the save involving the dummy character. Open player.bic
  6. Navigate to and select Appearance_Head or Appearance_Hair, expanding the tree as necessary. A value should appear under Basic Field Data.
  7. Copy this data.
  8. Close player.bic within TLKEdit/LETO/GFF Editor.


  1. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the save game of your destination character. Create a backup of player.bic.
  2. Repeat steps 4-6 of Gathering Data on New Head or Hair on the destination character.
  3. Overwrite the existing data in Basic Field Data with that of the desired head/hair.
  4. Save and close player.bic.
  5. Open playerlist.ifo. Repeat steps 1 through 4 of Editing, replacing player.bic with playerlist.ifo.
  6. Open Neverwinter Nights 2 and load the save you just edited to ensure changes have registered as expected.


'My character's head/hair hasn't changed!'
  • Are you editing and testing the correct save game?
  • Did you edit both player.bic and playerlist.ifo?
  • The head/hair you want are of the same race and sex as your destination character, yes?
'I want to change the color of my character's hair/eyebrows/beard/skin!'
  • This is beyond the scope of this guide. Check out Ecstatic's guide instead, and scroll down to 'Cameo Appreance by Talio'.
Golem Fighting Bugfix - Red Wizard Academy MotB v1

Game: Neverwinter Nights 2, Mask of the Betrayer expansion

At the Academy of Shapers and Binders in Act II of Mask of the Betrayer, you can participate in a Golem fighting ring. You can construct you Golem out of a number of different Golem pieces you have acquired during your travels. Part of the purpose of this minigame is to construct and disassemble your Golem until you hit upon winning combinations against the various combinations your golem faces. Unfortunately, if you install the Galvanized Golem Torso or the Weather-resistant Golem Torso, disassembling your Golem will return you only a generic Golem Torso. Those advanced torso pieces are gone for good. You don't even get their benefits on the golem.
The cause of this is some mis-set variables on the objects themselves.

Neverwinter Nights 2 Save Game Editor Mod

I have modified the two advanced Golem Torso blueprint items. Place the two UTI files in your override folder before starting the game, or at least before picking up the two torsos during your travels. Placing the UTI files in your override folder will NOT replace the versions already in your inventory. If you need to do that, use the giveitem cheat code or a save game editor to replace them.