Astrology Chart Progression Program

Secondary progressions are a symbolic timing tool, where planetary energies on a particular day influence you on a corresponding year of life. Even though it sounds far-fetched, the concept of linking one short unit of time to a longer unit of time is ancient. Secondary progressions, commonly known simply as “progressions,” use a day-for-a-year formula.

  1. Astrology Chart Progression Program Based
  2. Astrology Chart Progression Program Using
  3. Astrology Chart Progression Programs
  • Tertiary progressions are a predictive method.There are two kinds of tertiary progressions: I (T I) and II (T II). In the first method, T I, each day after the day of birth is equivalent to one lunar month in an individual's life, and in the second method, T II, each synodic month after the day of birth is symbolically equivalent to one year in a person's life.
  • 'Aura Astrology' 2.6 (pro version). Name.'Aura Astrology' - is new name of 'Aura Zodiac'. 'Horoscope' - free version indicator.

Astrology Chart Progression Program Based

The biggest advantage of RVA software is it allows an astrologer to access all Vedic, KP, Western charts in one place where you can generate natal, progression, transit charts. It’s free and the idea behind making the software open is to support the budding astrologers and help everyone access astrological charts and provide a hassle-free experience while analyzing horoscopes on all the devices and browsers. The software automatically adds the age to the birth date when you want to generate western progression charts without manual efforts saving calculation time for humans. You can generate both north or south Indian kundali. Transit charts are also generated for the progression year. Standard Placidus bhava division is used, you can also switch between different ayanamsas, different languages.

The 4 levels of Dasha i.e., Dasha, Bhukthi, Antara and Sukshma can be seen as a tree view. The 4 Divisional charts D9 navamsa, D7 Saptamsha, D10 Dashamsha, D60 Shastamsha chakrams can also be found.

While analyzing in KP, you can find sub-lords and significators, significators house and planets view if you are analyzing in western you can view the planet and house aspects (like: conjunctions 0°, sextile 60°, square 90°, trine 120°, opposition 180°, etc) can be viewed from the respective tables.


Astrology Chart Progression Program Using

  • Natal/Progression/Transit Charts
  • Multiple ayanamsas
  • North/South Indian kundali
  • Divisional charts (Varga Chakras)
  • Significator house and planet view
  • House and planet cusps tables
  • Planet house aspects
  • 4-level Vimshottari Dasha
  • Multiple language support
  • Set Default Location
  • Dark and light themes
  • Log in to save the charts
  • Print

You can also add the custom latitude and longitude, time zone details in generating the charts.

Adjustment of daylight saving time is done automatically by the software once you provide it with the birthplace details and hence the user needn’t worry about this factor.

We know that many you guys work late nights you can also switch between light and dark themes depending on your convenience. 🙂

Astrology Chart Progression Program

Upcoming features: Ashtakavarga and Shambala charts addition is also in progress and will be made available soon.

In case of any issues (bugs or miscalculations), you can report at our forum

AstrologyAstrology Chart Progression Program

If you are unable to find your birthplace, you can start the discussion mentioning the longitude and latitude details. we will add location into our software

To provide your valuable feedback and design-related suggestions, start a discussion

Astrology Chart Progression Programs

We’ll take all your feedback to make the software more efficient.