Mega Man X Corrupted

It’s probably safe to say that most of us visiting this website are fans of playing games on our computers. You’re also likely to be more familiar with your arrow and W, A, S, D keys for controlling characters in games. This, as we all know, can be cumbersome for games specifically designed to be played with a real controller! Mega Man X: Corrupted is a prime example of a game you’ll want to control as if it were from a typical console.

In this article, I’m going to prepare you to use a real controller when playing games on your computer. This will allow you to escape the restrictions of your mouse and keyboard and have a more enjoyable gaming experience.

Let me first say just how flexible we can be when it comes to choosing a controller for gaming on your PC. You’ll be surprised in all of your options. Do you already own an Xbox 360, Playstation 3, or Nintendo GameCube/Wii controller laying around the house? There may be no point in buying one, if you would prefer to use one of your existing controllers.

Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1 + 2. Mega Man X: Corrupted - Updates. User Info: red eye dragoon. Red eye dragoon 1 year ago #11. I've been waiting for this for like 10 years, I hope when they release it silently so that they dont remove it 2 hours after nintendo throws their DMCA at them.

We have completed Force Starfish. O/Starfish Conditional AttacksS Class: Spiked block and triple force dash comboFF(Final Four) Mode: Kraken TentaclesJoin o. We have completed Force Starfish. O/Starfish Conditional AttacksS Class: Spiked block and triple force dash comboFF(Final Four) Mode: Kraken TentaclesJoin o. YMMV / Mega Man X Corrupted. Mega Man X Corrupted. Awesome Art: The game's sprites are a mix between the 16-bit colors and designs of X1-X3 and the 32-bit sizes and details of X4-X6, making for a unique yet nostalgic style. Awesome Music: Dominic Ninmark (a.k.a. Nitroflash), the game's composer, did an awesome job with the soundtrack.

How to Setup an Existing Controller


If you have already have a controller, and you would like to use it, first do some research. A quick Google search can provide you with some good examples depending on your controller.

  • Set Up Xbox Controller for Windows (published by Microsoft themselves)

The above list only scratches the surface in using an existing controller.

Where to Buy a Game Controller

Mega Man X Corrupted 2020

If you don’t already have a game controller, there are some great options online that can send your new game controller right to your door in no time at all.

Our personal recommendation is to jump over to Amazon and purchase a console game controller like Xbox, Playstation, etc. and then configure it using the guides we mentioned earlier. There are some “only USB” controllers there as well, which would work perfectly for any PC games. These controllers are typically going to provide a much better gaming experience.

Here are four of the top-selling controllers that you can purchase from Amazon. We highly recommend you pick one up if you don’t already have one. Feel free to browse around their site different styles.

(If you have ad-blocking software, you may need to disable temporarily to view the products in the table below.)

Wanting a USB Classic SNES Controller?

If you’re seeking a classic SNES to enjoy Mega Man X: Corrupted as you enjoyed past Mega Man X games on the Super Nintendo, check out this one. It will work on both Windows and Macs systems.

Now that you have a controller, you must be wondering, “how in the world can I make this work for a game that is meant to use a keyboard?” For some games, the controller may already work just fine. For other games (including Mega Man X: Corrupted), you will need a little extra help.

The answer is with “controller mapping” software. This kind of program will map buttons from your game pad to specific buttons on a keyboard, making it possible to play games immediately There’s a lot of options out there, but we’ve done the homework for you and will provide you with the most popular ones. Of course, if you are aware of others that you recommend, please refer it to us and we’ll consider including it to this list.

Each of these are different, but are worth looking into.

With your new setup, you’ll be ready when Mega Man X: Corrupted is released!

Need any help getting things set up? Post in the comments below and we’ll reply with support. 😉

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