Harry Potter Quidditch World Cup

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.

'Oh, and I've heard this year's Quidditch World Cup will take place in England. Let's talk to the Minister about a skybox. I'm sure he'd do anything to make up for the miscarriage of justice I suffered for all those years.' At the Ministry, Cornelius Fudge made a point to greet Harry Potter in person. Harry Potter: Quidditch World Cup: With Ben Macleod, Benjamin Stone, George Banks, Melanie Bright. Fly with Harry Potter to practice the wizarding world's top sport at Hogwarts, then move on to the Quidditch World Cup!

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The time for the most exciting event has arrived and will be held in the UK – the Quidditch World Cup. There was excitement around the Greengrass household and Tracey's parents were also invited to the occasion. Astoria was running crazy (a good type) because she has never seen a live Quidditch game outside of Hogwarts. Harry also hadn't seen a match outside of school and never knew about Quidditch until he made the Gryffindor team as a seeker in his first year, following in his father's footsteps. Daphne and Tracey told him all about this fantastic magical sport and the countries and clubs that play, and some famous players. The girls were not real fanatical Quidditch fans, but liked the sport and watched the games when they can. The Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, gave the tickets to the Greengrass and Davis families, and also gave tickets to Noble Houses from the UK and across Europe.

The first match in the finals was England vs France, and Ministry delegates from both countries were present. Harry and his family, including Tracey's parents, had a seat right behind Fudge and the French Minister for Magic. Harry initially had a spot next to the Ministers, but wanted to sit next to his wives who were right behind. There were occasions when Fudge introduced Harry to the French Minister, who was Mr. Delacour. During the introductions, a young French girl said to her mother, 'Maman, c'est 'Arry Potter!'

The mother scolded her for pointing her finger, and shortly, an older version of this young girl appeared and said, 'Ello 'Arry, 'ow are you?' with a thick French accent.

Harry was confused and asked, 'Sorry to ask, but how do you know me?'

The older girl replied, 'We in France 'ave 'eared about you very much and you are famouz 'ere and in 'Orope. My name iz Fleur Delacour, and zee young girl iz my leetle seester Gabrielle. Eet iz a pleasure to meet you.'

They shook hands and Harry replied, 'I am glad to meet you as well. Let me introduce you to some people.' He saw his wives and family behind them and said to Fleur, 'These are my lovely wives, Daphne and Tracey,' holding the girls' waists. 'This is Daphne's younger sister Astoria, who I have come to know as my best friend.' He held Astoria and introduced her. 'And the adults are Daphne's and Tracey's parents, Mr.& Mrs. Greengrass, and Mr. & Mrs. Davis.'

Fleur was shocked and asked him, 'Two wives? I don't want to be rude, but 'ow iz zat?' Harry told her what he discovered a few years ago for the next few minutes before the game started. Fleur was stunned at the news and said, 'Wee too are from old and noble family. Zere iz not many like us. We are also part veela.' Fleur explained to them about veela, and it was a bit much to take in, but they were glad to have some friends. 'Oh, my seester Gabrielle iz smeeten wiz you. Too bad you are marreed.' Harry and his wives were shocked that such a young girl was so interested in him. She was even younger than Astoria. Harry had a little chat with Mr. Delacour before the match, and then everyone enjoyed the event.

It was during half time that Harry heard a familiar voice, 'Blimey dad, how far up are we?' Yes, that voice belonged to the git Ron Weasley. Harry groaned, hoping that he doesn't meet them.

Another familiar voice interrupted, 'Let's say that if it rains, you'll be the first to know!' The voice was that of Lucius Malfoy. Harry chuckled at Malfoy senior's words, but kept his cool.

Harry was sure that he will meet the long blonde haired git, but he didn't think that he would see Draco, who gloated to the Weasley's, 'We have the best tickets in town, thanks to Minister Fudge himself!'

Lucius said, 'Now Draco, it's no point gloating to these people. We have to find Fudge, so let's go.'

Harry groaned and knew that he had to meet Lucius and Draco. He thought, 'Oh well, might as well be civil.' When Draco came to him he said, 'What the hell are you doing near the Minister, Potty? Had your new family pay all that money for these seats?'

Lucius smacked his son and shouted to him, 'That is no way to address a Lord of three Most Ancient and Noble Houses Draco! Don't you understand history, and don't you know how to be civil in conversations?' Turning to Harry, he said, 'Forgive my son's ignorance, Lord Peverell.' Draco went red when he heard that. He was sure that the Peverell line was finished from what his father told him, and he knew that Peverell was a very powerful and wealthy family.

Harry replied, 'His ignorance is forgiven, Lord Malfoy. However, I will give Draco the warning that if he crosses me again, it won't be good. He has tried to cross me, made rude jesters about my wives and he has tried to cause tensions and havoc at Hogwarts. I trust that you will speak to him and put some sense into him.'

Lucius was shocked when he heard that and said, 'I will speak to him, Lord Peverell. Good day.' He took Draco and went their separate ways.

Harry's wives and family looked on and Daphne held onto him saying, 'You composed yourself really well love, and I'm proud.' She kissed him and Tracey did likewise. The match went on without a glitch and France advanced to the next phase of the finals after defeating England.

After the match, Fleur came to Harry and said, 'We 'ave good newz 'Arry. I am coming to 'Ogwarts. Eet iz a surprise.' Harry said goodbye to the Delacours and the French family left. There was a double event, another game after the England vs France match. It was Ireland vs Bulgaria. Everyone wanted to take a glimpse of the famous Bulgarian seeker, Viktor Krum. Fudge was trying to have a chat with the Bulgarian Minister, but Harry noticed that he either didn't understand English, or he wasn't interested in speaking with Fudge. After several attempts, Fudge gave up.

Harry took the initiative to speak to the Bulgarian Minister. He used magic to speak in Bulgarian, 'How do you do today Minister? I am Lord Harry James Potter-Black-Peverell. Are you looking forward to the match?'

Fudge was stunned and said, 'I didn't know you speak Bulgarian, Lord Potter?'

Harry smiled to himself and thought, 'Are you a wizard, Fudge? It's simple!' He replied, 'I learned by myself, Minister.' That wasn't completely true, or completely a lie.

The Bulgarian Minister smiled to Harry and said in his native language, 'Welcome milord. I know how you are able to speak. Seriously, this Fudge man does not know how to use the language magic and he calls himself a wizard? I understand English but I want to make him look silly.' Harry laughed and Fudge had no idea what they were speaking about.

The game started and introductions were made for both teams. Once Viktor Krum was introduced, the crowd roared and Harry could even hear Ron speaking about Krum as if he is in love. Harry took his seat next to his wives and they held onto each other as the match went on. Both teams looked pretty good and were displaying real skills that Harry could contribute or suggest to his school team. He saw a glimpse of his teammates but because of the crowd during match time, he could not go and speak with them. Ireland was dominating the game and on the scoreboard. It seems that the Bulgarian keeper was not that quick, and even though Krum was the best and most talented seeker in the world, it didn't guarantee a Bulgarian victory. Ireland was leading by 80 points at half time, and the commentator mentioned something about Bulgaria needing to lift their game, otherwise Krum could catch the snitch but his country could still lose.

The second half was underway and as Harry was looking at the crowd, he spotted some Hufflepuffs including Cedric Diggory, and some Ravenclaw students. He spotted his teammates again, but there was no sign of Fred and George Weasley. They were so far up in the stands. Ireland started the half the way they finished the first, and scored a few more goals to have the lead above 100 points. Bulgaria had a strong team of chasers, but the beaters were average, and their keeper was a little below average. The two seekers were within distance to each other, but Krum was the better of the two. Ireland scored a few more and the lead got to 140 points, and it was then that the Golden Snitch appeared. Krum made a dash for it but Ireland scored another to make the lead 150. After a minute, Krum caught the snitch when the lead was 150, and the commentator was excited and said, 'VIKTOR KRUM HAS CAUGHT THE SNITCH! BUT WAIT A MOMENT LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, THE MATCH IS A DRAW! THIS IS AMAZING! YOU ARE ALL IN FOR A BREATHTAKING FINALE TO THE GAME!'

The match went into extra time, and there was still no winner. During the break before penalties, Fudge introduced Harry to Ludo Bagman, who works in the Department of Magical Games at the Ministry. Ludo said, 'Ah Lord Potter. It's a pleasure to meet you.' Ludo was informed about Harry's titles, so he addressed Harry accordingly. 'This is an amazing match!' he exclaimed, 'We have never gone into penalties before.'

During the penalty shootout, the rule was the best of five. Ireland went first and scored, while the first attempt from Bulgaria was saved by the Irish keeper. The Irish scored the second, and again their keeper saved Bulgaria's second attempt. The score was 20-0. Ireland scored again on the third attempt to make it 30-0, but then Bulgaria scored to keep the shootout alive. After three attempts each, the score was 30-10 Ireland's way. Ireland scored again on their fourth attempt to make it 40-10, and Bulgaria's fourth attempt was saved by the Irish keeper, which means that Ireland had won the game on penalty shootout 40-10, much to the delight of the green Irish crowd. The two captains shook hands after a really good encounter.

As Harry and his family were out of the stadium, he met Viktor Krum. The Bulgarian seeker said, 'Harry Potter, I am pleezed to finally meet you in perzon,' in his thick Bulgarian/Russian accent.

Harry replied, 'Nice to meet you too Viktor. How did you know me? Not meaning to be rude or anything.'

Viktor laughed and replied, 'We all know about you here in Europe. You are famouz. I muzt go now, but I will zee you in Hogwartz.'

As they were speaking, a noise broke out and they could hear some screaming. There was some kind of attack, and he saw masked people coming to his direction. He realised that these people were Death Eaters working for Voldemort, and as he hid his wives and Astoria in their tent, he went out and stunned several of them. He unmasked one of them thinking that it would be Lucius, but he was someone else. He said, 'Who are you?'

The man replied, 'Doesn't matter Potter! I'll tell you but I will still kill you! My name is Barty Crouch Junior! Now let me attend to unfinished business for my master, AVADA-'

Harry Potter Quidditch World Cup

Before Crouch could finish, Harry held up his left hand and yelled out, 'PROTEGO!' Crouch was stunned (literally) and collapsed to the ground unconscious. Harry ran to his tent and said to his family, 'We have to leave and aparate back home now! Death Eaters are attacking! I stunned a lot, but there are more!' They all aparated back to the Greengrass Manor.

Before the school year, Harry made a note to Griphook for an appointment so that his curse, or the piece of Voldy's soul can be removed. Griphook replied that he could see Harry and anyone else who wanted to go with him (family only) the next morning. He was confused from what Fleur and Viktor told him about seeing him in Hogwarts. He asked his wives if there will be something special at school, but they shook their heads, not knowing the answer. He asked Cyril and Roxanne, but they too didn't know. He thought, 'Oh well, it must be something special. Guess I will have to wait.' He told his family about his encounter with Crouch and how the Death Eater told him that he works for Voldemort. His wives held onto him dearly and Astoria was crying because she almost lost him. After a while, everyone went to bed and Harry took his customary place to sleep with his wives and had a nice peaceful sleep.

A/N: I borrowed the idea that Harry used magic to speak Bulgarian from the author of 'Rise of the Dark Lord Vulcan.' I have no intention of plagiarising.

I hope you enjoyed the World Cup. I decided to make things a bit different from other fanfics, like including penalty shoot out after the draw. I don't know what happens if the finals matches are tied, but this is my idea and my fanfic.

Chapter 5: The Quidditch World Cup

Sirius Black arrived at his family manor and was surprised he ever bothered to set foot there. 'Sirius!' Harry exclaimed.

'Prongslet, are you alright?' Sirius asked out of worry. 'Did anything here hurt you?'

'I'm okay, Sirius.' Harry replied.

'Mistress is hopeful your experience in Azkaban taught you children of Dark families will never be welcome to the Light.' Kreacher commented.

'It sure did.' Sirius replied, making Harry worried he'd support Voldemort as revenge.

'I'm glad to hear this, son.' Sirius heard his mother's painting. 'Will you promote pureblood supremacy as a true Heir of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black is expected to?'

'No, Mother.' Sirius answered. 'I'll just keep my godchild away from Dumbledore's influence.'

'What do you mean, Sirius?' Harry asked.

'You told me your Uncle Vernon suggested attending another wizarding school.' Sirius answered. 'I know I can't force you now you're emancipated but I believe you should consider your options. Which foreign languages do you know?'

'Uh, none.'

'Then Beauxbatons is off.' Sirius muttered.

'What's Beauxbatons?'

'It's France's best school of magic and one of the three best in Europe, with the other two being Durmstrang and Hogwarts.' Sirius explained. 'Durmstrang is also out since you don't speak German but you'd be better off not going there anyway. They teach the Dark Arts rather than just how to defend against them and their Headmaster is Igor Karkaroff, a Death Eater who made a deal with the Ministry to be released from Azkaban earlier than he should in exchange for revealing the names of other Death Eaters. Out of all Death Eaters who pledged loyalty to Voldemort, he's most likely the one who least wants his return.'

'Why should I leave Hogwarts just because of Dumbledore?' Harry asked. 'All my friends are there.'

'Harry, while I was trying to find Pettigrew, I heard some stuff about trolls, Philosopher's Stone, a basilisk and even Voldemort being at Hogwarts.' Sirius replied. 'Care to explain?'

Not feeling like lying to Sirius, Harry told them about his first year and Voldemort possessing Quirrell, who died near the end of the year. Later, Harry told about the Chamber of Secrets. Sirius was horrified at the idea of the Monster of Slytherin being real and a basilisk albeit he agreed the last part shouldn't have surprised him, given how Salazar Slytherin was known as a Parselmouth and the main reason that ability was considered dark.

'And what about that rumor about you being a Parselmouth?'

'I didn't even know it was a rare thing among wizards until my second year.' Harry explained.

'And everyone thought you were the Heir of Slytherin because of that?' Sirius asked and Harry nodded. 'Did Dumbledore do anything to stop the rumors or the monster?'

'Well, he told me he believed in me.'

'Did he do it in private or in public?'

'Hagrid barged in Headmaster Dumbledore's office to vouch for me but other than that it was in private.' Harry answered.

'He should have done something in public.' Sirius snapped. 'And what did he do to stop the Monster?'

'He couldn't do anything because Lucius Malfoy persuaded the other Governors into suspending Dumbledore.'

Veela harry potter quidditch world cup

'Well, I suppose it excuses Dumbledore on that regard but, did he ever tell you why Voldemort wanted to kill you?'

'No, I never had any idea until Uncle Vernon told me and he only told me to explain how he could believe Headmaster Dumbledore wouldn't help you.' Harry answered.

'Professor Dumbledore should have told you at the end of your first year.' Sirius replied and then gave Harry a pamphlet of Salem's Wizard School. 'It's an all-boys school but the students occasionally interact with the girls from Salem's Witches School. I can't force you to attend since you're emancipated but I think you should consider it. Now, unless you decide to be a home-schooled kid for the rest of your education, you'll need a proxy to represent the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter during Wizengamot meetings. You may pick anyone you want but, as your godfather and magical next of kin, I'll be the proxy by default if you make no choice.'

'It's okay, Sirius, you may be my proxy.'

'Harry, you hardly know me!' Sirius exclaimed. 'Don't you know any wizarding adult you'd trust more than you'd trust me?'

Harry Potter Quidditch World Cup Download

'No.' Harry simply stated.

'In that case, let's go to the Ministry to make it known I'll act as your proxy for now on.' Sirius replied. 'Oh, and I've heard this year's Quidditch World Cup will take place in England. Let's talk to the Minister about a skybox. I'm sure he'd do anything to make up for the miscarriage of justice I suffered for all those years.'

At the Ministry, Cornelius Fudge made a point to greet Harry Potter in person. 'What could I do for the Boy-Who-Lived?'

'Minister, my godson and I would like the best places available to watch the Quidditch World Cup.' Sirius Black stated. Being such a suck-up, Fudge quickly agreed. 'Also, we'd like to have it known I'll act as proxy for the Head of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter while the current Lord Potter is attending school.'

Fudge had trouble accepting the idea of a Black representing the Potters but had no choice but to accept it.

Days later, Sirius Black was showing Harry his family's camping tent. 'Prongslet, this tent hasn't seen sunlight ever since the last time England hosted the Quidditch World Cup. I was just a small kid and it was one of the few quality times with my family where I could forget how dark they are.'

Harry Potter Quidditch World Cup Rom

'Off to the Apparition point, Sirius?'

'Well, Harry, while I don't mind you being that informal with me in private, I think you should call me Godfather or Lord Black while in public.' Sirius suggested and then they left. Arriving at the pitch, Sirius and Harry met Bartemius Crouch, the Head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation. 'Hey, Crouch, what's like having a job where you can't send innocent people to Azkaban?'

'Black, you might have tricked Harry Potter into talking your way out of Azkaban, but it's just a matter of time until you're caught at some other wrongdoing.' Crouch threatened.

'If you do, please send me back to my old cell.' Sirius mockingly replied. 'It has a nice view of your son's burial place.'

'That's low even for you, Black!' Crouch exclaimed.

'Next time you'd better hold a trial!'

Fudge then appeared. 'Crouch, Sirius, this is not a moment to fight. We're here to watch Ireland kick some Bulgarian's asses. Talking about Bulgarians, the Bulgarian Minister of Magic is trying to tell me something but I don't understand his language.'

'I thought people who were in high places always knew English regardless of nationality.' Sirius interrupted. 'I bet the Bulgarian Minister was just pretending.'

'Did I hear anything about a bet?' A new voice asked.

'Ludovic Bagman of the Wimbourne Wasps?' Sirius asked in surprise.

'I'm Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports now but it's always good to find a fan.' Bagman replied. 'But what was that about a bet?'

'Bagman, you should act with the decency one expects from the Ministry's high positions.' Crouch scolded Bagman.

'Look who's talking.' Sirius snorted.

Meanwhile, the Weasleys and Hermione Granger met them. 'Hi, Harry!' Ron exclaimed.

'Hi, Ron. Hi, everyone.'

'Harry, is that true?' Hermione hopefully asked. 'You'll never have to return to the Dursleys ever again?'

'True. And perhaps I won't return to Hogwarts either.' Harry replied, to everyone's shock.

'Black, you can't do this!' Fudge exclaimed in outrage.

'I know I can't.' Sirius calmly replied. 'Harry is an emancipated minor and can attend any wizarding school he chooses. He could even be home-schooled if he so desired. And it's Lord Black to you.'

'But why wouldn't you return to Hogwarts, Lord Potter?' Fudge asked in desperation. 'Hogwarts is the safest school on Earth.'

'How can you believe that after the last three years?' Harry asked in surprise. 'Trolls, Voldemort, Basilisk, Voldemort, Dementors.'

'Don't say the name!' Fudge shouted. 'And some isolated incidents aren't reason not to return to Hogwarts.'

'This is not all, Minister.' Harry explained. 'I'm not sure if I can trust Dumbledore after he said he couldn't help Sirius. I find it hard to believe that there wasn't anything he could do.'

'Harry, if you leave Hogwarts, you'll miss the Triwizard Tournament.' Fudge argued, surprising everyone.

'Triwizard Tournament?' Harry asked in confusion.

'I've heard of a Triwizard Tournament that used to be held among Hogwarts, Durmstrang and Beauxbatons but it was discontinued a few centuries ago because of the high mortality rate.' Sirius intervened. 'Wasn't it?'

'Well, it'd be a surprise but, we're reinstating it this year.' Fudge replied.

'Well, that explains the requirement for ball robes this year.' Sirius muttered.

Harry Potter Quidditch World Cup Teams

'Thank you, Minister, but I don't want to risk my life again.' Harry replied.

'There's no need to worry, Lord Potter.' Fudge replied. 'We added an age limit. Nobody under seventeen will be allowed entry in the tournament.'

'With my luck, something might happen either way and I had enough.' Harry stated.

Before anybody had a chance to reply, the Bulgarian Minister of Magic appeared. 'Crouch, help me!' Fudge pleaded. 'You speak his language.'

Crouch then said something in Bulgarian and the Bulgarian Minister replied with something that meant 'I don't want anything to do with cretins who send people to prison without a trial'. 'Minister, I don't know what you said but it seems you put him in his place.' Sirius commented. 'Good work.'

'Thank you, Lord Black.' The Minister replied, much to Sirius Black's pleasure and the others' shock.

'You're welcome, Minister. And I'd like to introduce you my godson Lord Harry James Potter.' Sirius replied.

'It's nice to meet the both of you, Lord Potter.' The Minister said. 'Now, I've heard you're considering transference to another school. Regretting not accepting to join a school from my country?'

'What're you talking about, Sir?' A confused Harry asked. 'Hogwarts was the only wizarding school I ever got an acceptance letter from. I just recently learned there were others.'

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'Really?' The Bulgarian Minister asked in reply. 'Did you know about that, Lord Black?'

'I just thought Harry's parents had made arrangements with Hogwarts and the other schools wouldn't bother trying.'

'Just another thing Dumbledore will have to answer, I suppose. I'll talk to the other Ministers.' The Bulgarian Minister of Magic said and then left.

'Ludo, you owe me twenty Galleons.' Sirius stated.

'Please, let's make a double or nothing.' Ludo Bagman pleaded. 'You still made no bets regarding the upcoming game.'

Harry Potter Quidditch World Cup

'Fine, here's the deal: if Ireland wins, you'll owe me forty Galleons; if Bulgaria wins, you'll owe me nothing.' Sirius proposed. 'Accept it or pay me twenty Galleons from the previous bet.'

'I accept your bet, Lord Black.' Bagman replied.

After that, they went to their seats and noticed an elf. 'That elf must belong to Crouch.' Sirius commented. 'It's his seat.'

'You is right.' The elf said. 'Winky is the Crouch family's house elf. Master told Winky to keep Master's place.'

'Stay away from that elf, Harry.' Sirius warned. 'I have a bad feeling about this.'

'And I have a bad feeling about you, Black.' They heard an African-British man reply.

'Hi, Kingsley.' Sirius replied with joy.

Not heeding to Sirius Black's warnings, Hermione Granger approached the elf. Later on, they watched the game. The game ended with the Bulgarian Seeker Viktor Krum caught the Krum but Ireland won, much to the pleasure of the Weasley twins, who specifically waged for that result. Regardless of the result, Ireland won and Sirius Black quickly collected the forty Galleons Bagman owed him because of this. Gred and Forge, however, weren't so lucky as Bagman insisted on talking his way out of the bet. Bagman tried to argue that minors shouldn't bet but he wouldn't even return the money they originally waged. Then a group of Death Eaters attacked.

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